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Source language
Kurdish Hebek pê ve danîne
Hebek pê ve danîne

Requested translations
English English
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Other languages Ngiculela ikusasg Ngliyacula nao thando Ngicula...
Ngiculela ikusasg
Ngliyacula nao thando
Ngicula ngelinyi langa
Uthando luyobusa
Jikelele kulomblada wethu
Stevie Wonder - "Ngiculela" (Part of the lyrics)

Source language is Zulu

Requested translations
Brazilian Portuguese Brazilian Portuguese
Source language
Latin "Magistri intelligentium discipulorum sermones .........
Magistri intelligentium discipulorum sermones et virtutes laudabant.

Requested translations
Brazilian Portuguese Brazilian Portuguese
Source language
Latin Omnes animales qui faciant excelces doctores...
Omnes animales qui faciant excelces doctores exspectare suspensis furculis, non essende a marcata hora in marcatum locali, sofrerantur abominabilis et

arreptanditis sanctiones. Spiritus Dixit.

Dura Praxis, Sed Praxis

Requested translations
Brazilian Portuguese Brazilian Portuguese
Source language
Latin Nic: hae ouēs uōbīs malam rem magnam dabunt....
Nic: hae ouēs uōbīs malam rem magnam dabunt. S:sed cūr malum uōs nōbīs mināminī? P: quia nostrōs agnos conclūsōs habētis. Nic: nisi illōs nōbis prōdūcētis, arietēs erimus, et in uōs incursābimus.
tradução de texto literário

Requested translations
Brazilian Portuguese Brazilian Portuguese
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Latin sum in mundus corde micante
sum in mundus corde micante

Requested translations
Brazilian Portuguese Brazilian Portuguese
Source language
Latin De ludis circensibus
De ludis circensibus
Vetus populus Romae semper
"Panem et circensis" poscebat
Aediles populo saepe ludos faciebant.
Populum crudelem atroces pugmae
Gladiatorum in circo vehementer delectabant.
Acres viri,cum un arenam decebant,Cesarem sic salutabant
"Ave Caesar, moritur te salutant."
Sepectatores de morte vibtorum police verso decernebant.
Este é um texto em latim encontrado na literatura.
Tem pesonagens como César. Fala sobre Roma e etc.

Requested translations
Brazilian Portuguese Brazilian Portuguese
Source language
Korean Blade Master
‘레전드 스킬 – [불멸]’ 스킬 효과가 변경 되었습니다. -공격 성공 시에서 크리티컬 공격 성공 시로 변경 되었습니다. -무적 버프가 적용된 상태에서 더이상 버프가 갱신 되지 않습니다. ■ ‘스킬 강화’ 스킬이 삭제 되었습니다.

Requested translations
English English
Source language
Polish Żyzne pustynie
W słabości
odkrywam swe prawdziwe potrzeby
hierarchię wartości

W tęsknocie
odnajduję swoją tożsamość
utraconÄ… OjczyznÄ™

W grzechu
widzę swą bezsilność
prawdziwą śmierć

W samotności
dostrzegam swój ratunek
kochającą Obecność

British English, please.

Requested translations
English English
Source language
Thai Oversett thai
1: เรืองพ่อเธอไปเป็นหี้นยังใช้อยากกับพี่ชายเธอชว่ยจะได้แล้วจะชว่ยริซ่าขอร้อง
2: เขาก็มาถว่งหี้นพ่อเธออยากให้ชว่ยหน่อยแล้วแต่จะชว่ยริซ่าไม่ว่าหรอกขอให้ชว่ยริซ่าแย่เหมือนกัน

Requested translations
English English
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Hebrew תפילה שלי
מי ייתן ואויבך ירחקו ממך.
אם תשיג עושר, מי ייתן שיישאר עמך לנצח.
יופייך יהיה זה של אספרה
לאן שתלך, רבים יבואו,
ישרתו ויגננו עליך, יקיפו אותך מכל צדדיך "
תפילה שלי

Requested translations
English English
Source language
Russian Чат платформа с ассистентом и поиском по событиям...
Чат платформа с ассистентом и поиском по событиям вокруг и их публикацией 
в сообществах, экосистема для городских коммуникации площадок, сообществ 
и бизнесов с их целевой аудиторией, покупками в 1 клик и др. сервисами.
Одновременно запускаем новые города и добавляем новые интеграции (Фейсбук и Телеграм боты) и интерфейсы (Андроид, web), запускаем продажу рекламы и мобильные платежи. Рост BuzzFeed (левый нижний угол) хорошо иллюстрирует бизнес модель современной медиа платформы для распространения контента.

Requested translations
English English
Source language
Mongolian Uneheer gaihaltai mundag ymaa
Uneheer gaihaltai mundag ymaa

Requested translations
English English
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Czech Zkusim po 13:30 hodine. Kocko nezvedas a nyni mam...
Zkusim po 13:30 hodine. Kocko nezvedas a nyni mam pacienty
British english

Requested translations
English English
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Chinese traditional 妊娠
Credo sia taiwanese ma non c'è la scelta della lingua.
I think is from taiwan.

Requested translations
English English
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish Lütfen ben sana karsi duyugularim çok icten seni...
Lütfen ben sana karsi duyugularim çok icten seni bikere gördum ama cak sevdim seni icim den gelen dugulrim sen de bana dürüs ol lutfen seni sevdim ben kimseyi kolay sevemem sen de o sicakli hiszetim inşallah yanilmiyodurum seni seven ceyda.

Requested translations
French French
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Breton Na gall ket kalon
Na gall ket kalon
francais de france

Requested translations
French French
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Romani Te źelinava bakali i murdalo o nova ...
Te źelinava bakali i murdalo o nova basale godina. Te mangea mnogo tarija, cavea, sreća, prosperiteto i naj śukar uspeho ko seksualno mardali!

Requested translations
English English
Source language
Japanese 給水塔にて昔を思う ...

I would like a translation in U.S. English please. It is from a profile for a game character. Thank you for your time.

Requested translations
English English
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Hindi Durge durge durge jai jai maakaruna ...
Durge durge durge jai jai maa
karuna sagarini maa
kali kapalini maa
jagadudharini maa
jagadambe jai jai maa
I'm creating book song of mantras because I'm organsing a circle song of mantra. Many people ask me the translation but I don't no all the time.

I prefere the translation in french otherwize in english it can be good too.

Thank you for your help

Requested translations
English English
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